Regular Monthly Meetings
Meetings take place at the Topsham Grange Hall (47 Pleasant St. in Topsham) and are held year round on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Doors open at 6:00 pm for socializing and refreshments and the business meeting starts at 6:30. At 7:00 there is a guest speaker September through May, and roundtable discussions in June, July and August. The December meeting is our annual potluck dinner and honey tasting contest.
Open Hives
Open Hives offering hands-on learning opportunities are held in various members’ apiaries during the summer. Experienced beekeepers lead a guided inspection of hives and demonstrate actions such as splits, mite infestation assessment, treatment applications and other essential tasks specific to the season. All attendees must wear a veil. Updated information and directions to the host locations are sent out via Google Group emails prior to the event. They are held normally on Saturday mornings at 10:00 AM.
Bee Breakfasts
Other Events….
To be announced.